Julian J.N. Campbell

3525 Willowood Road, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A. 40517
Phone: (859) 271 4392 [landline for spoken messages; no texts]


This website provides materials for Botany, Natural History and Conservation Planning in the Ohio Valley. Cooperation is sought: please check for typos, ranking problems, better images, and other issues; send comments to me at 

The ultimate goals here are as follows. 
(1) To advance a new synthesis of Natural History for east-central states (starting with more cohesive regional descriptions).
(2) To develop more functionality in Natural Heritage programs (including ecological models).
(3) To provide a general commentary on Nature Conservation (assessing successes versus failures).
Files are sorted into the pages listed below.

Some current priorities are as follows.
Plants for Sale in Bluegrass Region: click here
Kentucky Conservation Statement: click here
Eden on Elkhorn? OLLI Course Summary: click here
     Course Notes: